Learn to Program with App Inventor Lesson Plans were written by certified MIT App Inventor Master Trainers Lyra Logan, JD, the author of Learn to Program with App Inventor, and Abigail Joseph, PhD (Computer Science), the book’s Technical Reviewer, both educators with years of experience teaching computer science and/or computing skills to children and adults.
These Lesson Plans are designed for use by educators and club facilitators to help students learn the key programming concepts presented in Learn to Program with App Inventor and exercise computational thinking skills as they begin to create with technology. The Lesson Plans are divided into 8 units that correspond to the book’s Introduction and 8 chapters. Each unit integrates a sequence of varied activities with the book’s exercises to teach and reinforce the covered concepts, and includes the following sections:
Learning Objectives
CSTA Computer Science Standards
Keywords and Concepts
World Connections
Unplugged Activities
Book Activities
+ An additional full app project, simpler than the one in the book
+ Answers to the chapter’s On Your Own app challenges
Learn to Program with App Inventor and the Lesson Plans cover the following programming/computational thinking concepts: decomposition, algorithms, debugging, event-driven programming, Booleans, variables, randomness, arithmetic operators, arrays (lists), if-statements, if-else statements, relational/comparison operators, pseudocode, loops, iteration, functions (procedures/methods), parameters, arguments, Boolean/logic operators, nesting statements, and more.
The Lesson Plans present a semester of teaching content including visual guides so students can work independently to develop and modify multiple engaging and useful mobile apps, along with resources and discussion prompts to provide real-world context for covered skills.
Teaching Duration: 1 semester (approx. 3 hours/week)
104 pages
After you purchase Learn to Program with App Inventor, please email Lyra at lyra @ fefonline.org to receive a copy of the Lesson Plans.